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Solar Pump Drives now available for PMSM , AC Induction and Solar Induction motors

REhub now adds an LCD screen

As REhub started getting sold in different parts of India – one request we kept getting was the need for a display – it does not surprise me at all . I jog regularly and need the iPod Nano telling me the minutes I took to run each kilometer and…

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PWM, MPPT and measuring real output

Yesterday I received a call from a system integrator – who has been installing solar systems using PWM charge controllers and is looking at switching to MPPT charger.  He has an experimental set up with a 200 AH batteries, 48V, 2500 Wp Solar panels : 250 Wp X 10 nos ,…

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How much Solar PV should I install in my home

This is another very commonly asked question.Here are some guidelines to determine the size of install in India. Money as a constraint : If Rooftop schemes with reverse or net metering is available in your locality ( not unless you are in Gandhinagar for example http://mnre.gov.in/file-manager/UserFiles/presentations-pwc-workshop-06092012/GEDA.pdf) install as much as you have…

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Does MPPT make sense in Indian Conditions

As we interact with a variety of different solar system installers, we have got this question repeatedly – does MPPT make sense in Indian conditions. The implied question is – MPPT controllers cost more than the PWM counterparts – is it worth the while to add this cost to the…

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How a good MPPT charge controller (e.g. REhub) reduces system costs

REhub  is based on an high efficiency MPPT charge controller with the ability to accept a wide input MPPT range ( e.g 17 – 65 V for a 12V battery system). System_integrators can use this to their advantage by a) Selecting PV panels that are mass produced and therefore of lower…

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