Amberlink-IOT products are designed to work with Amberroot’s products to collect data to monitor performance over cloud. Together with AmberView cloud platform users can get comprehensive feedback on the performance of the installation.
Tune Parameters Remotely
Amberroot’s IOT platform can also be used to perform remote diagnostics, configuration change and upgrade of firmware ( in select models). Using the control servers, IOT devices can be reconfigured or updated remotely without user intervention. IOT devices check with the control server periodically and download any change in configuration such as new device to scan, information to scan and send to Amberview cloud server.
Amberlink WiFi
Amberlink-wifi is a WiFi based dongle which connects to local WiFi infrastructure or mobile hotspot to connect to the cloud. Only the WiFi credentials need to be configured by the user using a mobile phone or a computer. Rest of configuration and control is performed remotely from the cloud. Amberroot-wifi uses standard MODBUS over RS485 as interface to Amberroot products.
The data is available online, accessed through user name and password provided by Amberroot.
Amberlink-USB is an USB based MODBUS interface to communicate with Amberroot’s products using host computer or mobile phones. A special application, AmberviewApp is provided to visualize the data. Amberlink USB works as an USB to RS485 interface with UART endpoint.
Amberlink-Ethernet is Ethernet based device not for cloud interface and monitoring but it is mainly to access Amberroot products within a private network. Special application, AmberviewApp or scripts would be needed to visualize the data. It works essentially like modbus over ethernet.
Amberlink-GPRS is a GPRS based device which uses the GPRS network to connect to the cloud to perform similar operations. Mainly designed for Pump controller based products these devices would need a SIM card with a valid GPRS plan. It uses RS485 or UART interface to communicate with Amberroot products.
Screen shot of dashboard for REhub – data is available on the server – accessed using an user name and password provided by Amberroot. The data is transmitted from REhub using Amberlink Wifi – connecting to the Internet through the user’s WiFi network
Screen shot of dashboard for REhub and other Amberroot’s products when the REhub is connected to a Windows PC using Amberlink -USB. AmberView application is to be installed in the local PC for accessing the data
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